

Trustworthy AI Lab at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech (UPC)

The Trustworthy AI Lab at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech is an interdisciplinary and international research community to evaluate and discuss the use of Artificial Intelligence  as part of the Z-Inspection® Initiative.

The laboratory specialises in contributing to the universal adoption of Trustworthy AI in public and private sector, with specific expertise in AI Ethics, Machine learning, Explainabilit and other branches of AI like Intelligent Decision Support Systems, ubiquous AI, speach and language processing, robotics, Knowledge representation, Reasoning or computer vision and cibersecurity.

The lab intends to encourage the debate and reflection on the use of Artificial Intelligence from an ethics and explainable perspective, so that the human rights of all involved actors and the Sustainable Development Goals are preserved.

The lab is interested in the ethical applications of AI to many verticals, like health, sustainability industry4.0, sports, autonomous vehicle, education, bussiness, wellness, vulnerability, blue economy among others.

The mission of the Trustworthy AI Lab at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech is to bring together a community of experts to advance AI research, education, and policy making.

We want to support society by establishing and sharing best practices in the design, implementation, and oversight of ethical, responsible, mindful, sustainable, and trustworthy AI applications.

The venue of UPC Z-inspection lab is the UPC Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence research center

The responsible of UPC Z-inspection lab is Karina Gibert, full professor on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at UPC and a reputed researcher on AI from more than 30 years experience in both basic research and technology transfer in the field from an ethics perspective.

Z-Inspection® is a holistic process used to evaluate the trustworthyness of AI-based technologies at different stages of the AI lifecycle. It focuses, in particular, on the identification and discussion of ethical issues and tensions through the elaboration of socio-technical scenarios. It uses the general European Union’s High-Level Expert Group’s (EU HLEG) guidelines for trustworthy AI.

The process is published in IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society.
Z-Inspection® is distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA) license.
Z-Inspection® is listed in the new OECD  Catalogue of AI Tools & Metrics

Affiliated Labs with the Z-Inspection® Initiative: