Fòrum Hipàtia: "La re-evolució econòmica i social de les dones"

Feb 28, 2020

Next Tuesday Karina Gibert will participate in a round-table organised by Fòrum Hipàtia. She will talk about Feminism: Challenges and Threats.

Fòrum Hipàtia is organising the event "La re-evolució econòmica i social de les dones. Un nou paradigma per a tothom" ('The economic and social re-evolution of women. A new paradigm for everybody'), where an IDEAI member (Karina Gibert) will participate. She will be part of a round-table around the topic of 'Feminism: challenges and threats'.

More information can be found in its program: link

Date and time: March 3rd, 16:00 - 20:00

Place: Auditori Barcelona Activa