The Research Centre of Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (IDEAI) includes about 70 permanent researchers with a long trajectory of more than 30 years of research in AI, currently being one of the biggest AI research centers in Spain. The expertise of IDEAI covers most of the areas in AI including knowledge management and representation, reasoning, intelligent decision support systems, machine learning, soft computing and knowledge extraction from data, distributed AI, natural language processing, image processing, face detection and recognition, emotion analysis speech recognition and modelling of human activity. IDEAI has long experience on a wide variety of applications including recommenders, assistive technologies, electronic institutions, social robotics, video analytics and tagging, multimedia retrieval, lifelogging, 3D reconstruction, language and vision, biomedical and remote sensing applications. IDEAI provides AI and intelligent data science technologies to contribute to health, Arts, industry 4.0, Education, economy, efficient resources and the environment with specific departments devoted to Innovation, digital transformation, ethics and talent promotion. IDEAI is intensively involved in the official master on Artificial Intelligence at UPC and leads the unique PhD program on AI in Catalonia. IDEAI played a key role in the creation of the first oficial degree on AI in Catalonia (at UPC), to begin next September 2021. IDEAI has 150 PhD students and is currently involved in 10 European projects, and more than 20 national or locally funded projects. IDEAI has mobilized more than 8,000.000 euros in funded projects from 2017 on.

IDEAI is connected with several networks of the AI ecosystem: It is member of AI4EU consortium, institutional member of ACIA, XARTEC, TECSAM, I4kids and XAFIR networks for innovation (Risc3cat), IAbiomed network and core member of CIDAI.