Artificial Intelligence: Automatic Decisions in Catalonia

Feb 08, 2020

The report AI: Automatic Decisions in Catalonia, was presented on the 5th of Febrary

Past February 5th, Karma Peirò presented the report titled "Artificial Intelligence: Automatic Decisions in Catalonia", a research work, in an event held at Palau Robert.

Karina Gibert and Ulises Cortés, members of IDEAI, were present at the event. Both of them contributed to the report with their own insights: Karina focused on talking about explainability, ecological footprint and privacy, while Ulises talked about ethics, the impact of the algorithms in society and critical thinking.

This event, and the report, was organised by the Catalan Data Protection Agency, and it was an opportunity to gather relevant actors to debate around a topic of great interest for the society and the impact AI is having nowadays.