Awarded four ICT engineers from the UPC

Jan 08, 2019

Karina Gibert, Laura Martínez, Sundus Ishaque and Teresa Serra have been recognized with the 2018 Women's ICT Awards.

On 19th of December, the 2018 Women's Awards were distributed with the goal of recognizing the role of women in the technological field and encouraging young women to study engineering and take leadership positions in the sector. These prizes were distributed to eight women and two social and business initiatives for their contribution to the ICT sector. Four out of the eight women prices were given to UPC members:

  • Karina Gibert has been awarded with the 'Academic / Researcher' category. She is a professor and researcher at the Department of Statistics and Operations Research at the UPC, and teaches at the Faculty of Computer Science of Barcelona (FIB) and the Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics (FME). She is also vicedegana of Big Data and Data Science in the Col·legi Oficial d’Enginyers Informàtics de Catalunya, where she is co-founder of the donesCOEFF commission. Her research focuses on the application of data analysis and artificial intelligence in the fields of health and natural environment.
  • Laura Martínez has received the women's prize in the category 'university ICT Student'. She was graduated in Computer Engineering, and currently is working in the field of process automation while being enrolled in the  master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence, coordinated by the FIB. 
  • Sundus Ishaque has been recognized with the special mention 'university ICT Student'. She holds a degree in Telecommunication Technologies and Telecommunication Services, with the speciality of Telematics Systems, at the School of Telecommunications Engineering of Barcelona (ETSETB). She is currently developing the final bachelor's degree project about solutions for data migration in Sony Europe Limited.
  • Teresa Serra, is a former FIB alumni and has been a professor at the same center. She has received the prize in the 'Professional' category. She has a bachelor's degree in Computing and master's degree in Image Processing, she is currently the general director and founding partner of TESEM, a company founded by four ICT women, and participates as a counselor delegate and adviser in various companies and entities in the field of telecommunications, the information society and digital transformation.


Awarded four ICT engineers from the UPC

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