Roundtable on "Changing Relationship between AI and Humans"

Dec 03, 2019

Carme Torras is participating today in the roundtable "Changing Relationship between AI and Humans" organised by UNESCO.

The second roundtable on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (AI), entitled "Changing Relationship between Artificial Intelligence and Humans” is part of a series of events organized by UNESCO since 2018, with the financial support of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. 

AI technology is developing rapidly and assists us in our daily life in many ways, but not without raising several ethical challenges. This roundtable aims to address the issues of AI assisted decision-making and the impact of AI on human communications in order to raise awareness and sensitize policy-makers, researchers and the general public.

Will AI assisted decision-making have an impact on our free choices? Could it make better decision than us? Could the increase of AI in our daily life decrease our emotional, physical and intellectual capacities? Do we interact with robots the same way than with humans?

The first Session "At what extent AI can make critical decisions for us?" will give an overview of the implications of AI assisted decision-making for individuals and society as a whole. From judicial cases to access to health insurance, medical diagnosis and job applications, examples will be given to explore and illustrate the underlying ethical challenges of data privacy, data biases, equity and justice, among other issues.

The second Session "Does AI affect Human Communications?” will explore how AI is changing communication between humans, but also between humans and artificial intelligence. Does communication on the Internet and social media change the perception of self and others? Does our brain reacts differently to AI robots than to humans? What will be the future of AI and human communication?

Eminent experts in the fields of science, law, neurosciences, engineering, ethics and philosophy will address these questions in a multidisciplinary discussion, under the moderation of Peter-Paul Verbeek (The Netherlands), Professor of Philosophy of Technology at the University of Twente, and Chairperson of UNESCO World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST).

Date and time: December, 3rd 2019, at 10am to 1pm

A live webcast transmission will be available:
English -
French -