Workshop dedicated to women

Apr 26, 2019

Karina Gibert and three speakers more discussed the use of Open Data

Karina Gibert participated in a Workshop dedicated to women that took place on April 25, in the MediaTic building. The speakers who participate are:

  • Sara Díaz- Director of Training and Innovation of Barcelona Activa
  • Ana Freire - Professor UPF and founder of Wisibilizalas, born with the aim of giving visibility to women in the ICT sector.
  • Núria Majó - CTTI Solution Manager - Telecommunications and Information Technology Center of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Member of the team of "Open data of the Generalitat de Catalunya"
  • Karina Gibert - founder of Women COEINF, born with the aim of continuing to close the gender gap in computer engineering.




Open data is the new utility of companies and is an opportunity to generate economic and social activity and improve competitiveness. That is why we want to disseminate the opportunity among the people who are aware of using the data to give added value to their projects.