The launch of the Barcelona ACM-W chapter will be hosted by two donesIDEAI

Oct 03, 2022

Two donesIDEAI, boosted by donesCOEINF, achieve the Barcelona ACM-Women chapter.

Women in ACM/IEEE WICE Luncheon at ACM NanoCom 2022 will be celebrated on October 6th, 12:30 - 14:15 at Edifici Vertex, Campus Nord UPC. This luncheon event is supported by IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Women in Communications Engineering (WICE) and will bring together local and international women researchers at all stages of their careers to foster collaboration, networking, and mentoring. Two donesIDEAI boosted by donesCOEINF have achieved the Barcelona ACM-Women chapter.

There will be a roundtable discussion with an esteemed set of speakers at different stages in their careers who will share their experiences on the benefits of networking and how to build your own network. Both IDEAI researchers, Núria Castell and Karina Gibert, will be presenting the Inauguration of Barcelona ACM-W Chapter as well as speaking in the roundtable discussion on benefits of networking from personal experiences. The aim of this event is to give an opportunity to junior researchers to start networking and strengthens the efforts for diversity and inclusion in the NanoCom community. We encourage everyone to join the discussion!

For more information you can go to ACM NanoCom 2022. You can also book directly your tickets via the register of Women in ACM/IEEE Luncheon.