Keynote speech in ICAIH 2019

Nov 15, 2019

Alfredo Vellido has been invited to give a keynote speech in Industrial Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Health (ICAIH 2019)

On November 13th, Alfredo Vellido gave a keynote speech in the 1st edition of the Industrial Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Health, which took place in Milan, Italy.

The keynote, titled "DYSTOPIA AS A CAUSE OF DYSPEPSIA: CAUTIONARY TALES ABOUT THE APPLICATION OF AI IN HEALTH", was centred on how AI and ML may have a strong societal impact in their application to healthcare and medicine, either for the good or the bad. Citizens as patients and public administrations should be aware of issues that may negatively impact the adoption of AI and ML in this area, and which concern data privacy and anonymity, ethics and fairness, law and explainability, amongst other topics.